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Termux and Basic Commands for Beginners

Termux and Basic Commands for Beginners

What is Termux?
Termux is a free and open-source terminal emulator for Android that allows running a Linux environment on an Android device. It also provides the capability to install various software packages through the application's package manager.

Why Termux?
Termux is a recommended tool for ethical hackers and anyone interested in ethical hacking or pen-testing on Android. It offers a wide range of commands and software utilities.

Key Information about Termux:
- Author: Fredrik Fornwall
- Initial Release: 30 May 2015
- Repository:
- Operating System: Android
- Supported Platforms: x86-64, ARM64, ARMv7, i686
- Size: 101 MB
- Type: Terminal Emulator, Command-line interface
- License: GPLv3

Features of Termux:
Termux stands out as the primary Android terminal application that provides a wide variety of software, unlike other terminal emulators that only offer limited Android utilities.

History and Development:
Termux was initially released in 2015 and has continually expanded its library of Linux software. The development community actively supports Termux, and users can contribute to the project by adding new features and packages.

During installation, Termux extracts the bootstrap file from the APK and sets the necessary permissions for execution while configuring directories like the home directory.

Package Management:
Termux uses its package manager (pkg) and supports the .deb format for package installation. Although it isn't fully compatible with typical Debian packages, users can build and submit their packages.

Package Repositories:
Termux offers three repositories: - Main Repository: Contains CLI utilities and popular Linux tools. - X11 Repository: Includes X11-based packages and graphical applications. - Root Repository: Intended for rooted devices, some packages can be used without root, but with limited functionality.

Basic Commands:
  • apt update && apt upgrade
    : Update all installed packages and dependencies.
  • termux-setup-storage
    : Access storage and directory settings.
  • pwd
    : Display the present working directory.
  • ls
    : List files and directories in the current directory.
  • cd directory-name
    : Change to a specific directory.
  • cp source-file destination
    : Copy a file.
  • mv source-file destination
    : Move a file.
  • rm file-name
    : Delete a file.
  • rm -r directory-name
    : Delete a directory and its contents.
  • touch filename
    : Create an empty file with the specified filename.
  • nano filename
    : Open the Nano text editor to edit a file.
  • wget URL
    : Download a file from the internet using its URL.
  • tar -xvf archive.tar.gz
    : Extract files from a tar.gz archive.
  • zip -r directory
    : Create a ZIP archive of a directory.
  • unzip
    : Extract files from a ZIP archive.
  • ping hostname
    : Send ICMP echo requests to a host to check its connectivity.
  • ifconfig
    : Display network interface information.
  • ssh username@hostname
    : Connect to a remote server via SSH.
  • top
    : Display a dynamic view of system processes.
  • htop
    : Interactive process viewer, similar to "top."
  • df -h
    : Show disk space usage on mounted file systems.
  • du -sh directory
    : Display the total size of a directory.
  • grep pattern filename
    : Search for a pattern in a text file.
  • find directory -name filename
    : Search for a file by name within a directory.
  • ps aux
    : List all running processes.
  • kill process_id
    : Terminate a running process by its process ID.
  • history
    : Display the command history of the current session.
  • alias
    : Define or display command aliases.
  • shutdown -h now
    : Shut down the device.

Termux is a versatile tool that brings the power of the command line to your Android device. Exploring these basic commands will help you become more productive and efficient in your mobile tasks.

Author: CyberDome

Published Date: November 6, 2023

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